
DACA voters, 2016 Elections, Republican Party & the future of America

After an interesting conversion with a friend I started to wonder how to best communicate what was happening and how to make people realize what they think is coming has already started. What were we discussing?  The upcoming fork in the road for the Republican Party.  What is the fork in the road?  Executive amnesty and the […]

How Republicans should answer the illegal immigration issue and re-direct

Republicans have a wedge issue and either do not realize or want to use that issue. Since we have the establishment calling the shots and they have tried to push amnesty I guess we all know the answer to why they do not use the issue. Several postings ago we brought you how Rep. Steve King, an ardent PRO-LEGAL […]

Harder to cast a vote in the 2014 and the 2016 Elections

First we had ObamaMoney from the ObamaStash   Then we were treated to, more like rammed down our throats, ObamaCare   And now, from the Daily Caller, we are now facing ObamaMigrants Please explain to me why we should vote for Non-Republican Republicans who have stood idle, or enabled as with ObamaCare, while all of this happened and is happening??????

The problem of Illegal Immigration and the radical press

There is a video clip that has recently appeared showing a “reporter” questioning a man who is bleeding, the cause of that injury reportedly an attack by pro illegal immigration protesters, but instead of finding out what happened she goes straight to asking him whether he is a racists for supporting LEGAL immigration. The above […]

Rep. Steve King … he just keeps delivering

The Blaze featured a story that Rep. Steve King (R-IA) would be inclined towards blocking a continuing funding bill (CR) thus shutting down the U.S. government.   The appropriation bills needed to fund the U.S. government have not been passed and not very likely to get done. Rep. King has taken this stance in reaction to the […]